如何使用发帖 dqn irl_“ IRL”是什么意思,以及如何使用它?
dqn irl
You may have come the “IRL” in , on , or in the web. But what does it mean, and how do you use it on the ? Here’s how.
您可能在推特,或网络上的评论部分中遇到了缩写“ IRL”。 但是它是什么意思,您如何在互联网上正确使用它? 这是如何做。
“在真实生活中” (“In Real Life”)
IRL for “in real life.” When use it , it often to their and life the , such as their day-to-day job and .
IRL代表“现实生活中”。 当人们在线使用它时,它通常指的是他们在互联网之外的身份和生活,例如他们的日常工作和附近的社交圈。
The use of IRL and other can be back to the of on the in the 1990s. this time, who with on the web began to their own words, , and to refer to . Among these is IRL.
IRL和其他在线缩写的使用可以追溯到1990年代互联网上聊天室的普及。 在此期间,经常与网络上的其他人交谈的人们开始发展自己的词,首字母缩写词和首字母缩写词来指代某些事物。 其中包括IRL。
talk this time was , used the as a to share about their lives. An early use case of this would be if an asked you what your was. In , you’d say that you were “a IRL.”
由于这段时间的在线交谈大多是匿名的,因此人们使用该短语作为简写来分享有关其离线生活的详细信息。 一个早期的用例是,如果一个在线朋友问您您的职业是什么。 作为回应,您会说自己是“牙医IRL”。
By the way, IRL
IRL的演变 (The of IRL)
With the rise of media in the early to late 2000s, the way that used IRL . began using their real name and on the on early sites such as and . They would to their , post of , and with each other on such as AOL and Yahoo.
随着2000年代初期到后期的社交媒体兴起,人们使用IRL的方式开始发展。 人们开始在早期的社交网站(如和)上的互联网上使用其真实姓名和身份。 他们将连接到附近的社交圈,发布自己的照片,并在即时通讯工具(例如AOL和Yahoo)上相互交流。
G-Stock /G-Stock /
The line your and your began to . of IRL to ’s life, it a way of your from your real . This was true for and games where you take on a .
您的互联网身份和实际身份之间的界线开始发生变化。 IRL不再是指某人的离线生活,而是一种将您的匿名角色与真实角色分开的方法。 对于使用特定角色的互联网论坛和在线游戏而言,尤其如此。
IRL can be used in where your life into your life. For , if you meet one of your in World of at a , you’d say that you met IRL.
如果您的在线生活与离线生活融为一体,则可以使用IRL。 例如,如果您在一次大会上遇到了《魔兽世界》中的一位长期公会成员,您会说您终于遇到了IRL。
名人和IRL ( and IRL)
Aside from a line your and your real , IRL is often used in way.
Most of the time, we only see , such as , , and on our or . What we know of them these is often just a small of who they are. So it’s no that when you run into a on the , they may look, sound, or act .
大多数时候,我们只会在电视或电话上看到名人,例如演员,歌手和互联网名人。 我们通过这些渠道对他们的了解通常只是他们是谁的一小段。 因此,当您在大街上遇到名人时,他们的外观,声音或行为有所不同也就不足为奇了。
There is a a ’s on- and who they are in real life. In this , IRL can be used to who they are of their . So if you meet a on the , and you have a , you would refer to them as “ nice IRL.”
名人的屏幕角色与现实生活中的角色之间存在区别。 在这种情况下,可以使用IRL来描述他们的职业生涯之外的人。 因此,如果您在大街上遇到名人,并且互动愉快,就可以将其称为“非常好的IRL”。
Me IRL和其他变体 (Me IRL and Other )
There’s also “me IRL,” which pops up in memes and . While the in the also for “in real life,” use “me IRL” in a very way.
还有“我的IRL”,它经常在模因和推文中弹出。 虽然短语中的缩写也代表“现实生活中”,但人们以非常不同的方式使用“ me IRL”。
Me IRL comes with an image, video, or , that the user is of their real-life state. For , if you “me IRL” with a video of a man over , that is a self- joke about being . It can also be used with an or image to .
Me IRL带有图像,视频或声明,用户认为它们代表了他们当前的现实生活状态。 例如,如果您将“ me IRL”与一个男人反复绊倒自己的视频相伴,那很可能是关于笨拙的自嘲。 它也可以与不寻常或难以理解的图像一起使用,以达到幽默的效果。
The of the r/ , which is one of the humor on the site with over 3 . The sub also has a rule that all post tiles must say “” and else. of the size of the , posts there often some of the most and known memes on the .
该词由于r / 而变得流行, r / 是该网站上最大的幽默社区之一,成员超过300万。 该子对象还具有一个规则,即所有发布图块都必须说“ ”,而不能说其他任何东西。 由于的大小,那里的帖子通常成为整个互联网上一些最受欢迎和最广为人知的模因。
u/Jspr4 / u / Jspr4 /
For , the post above is one of the most posts of the year on . It shows how even if went back in time to ideas to , they ’t know about them to do so.
例如,上面的帖子是上该年度最受欢迎的帖子之一。 它显示了即使有人回到过去向人们解释现代思想的方式,他们实际上对他们的了解也不够。
如何使用IRL (How to Use IRL)
If you’re with or on a forum, you can IRL for when you would use “in real life.” As above, you can also use it when you have a .
如果您正在网上与某人聊天或在论坛上发帖,则可以在使用“现实生活”时用IRL代替。 如上所述,遇到名人时也可以使用它。
Here are a of ways to use IRL:
If you’re about how to use other terms, you learn more about TBH and SMH. You could soon find using some of these terms IRL.
如果您对如何使用其他互联网术语感到好奇,则应该了解有关TBH和SMH的更多信息。 您很快就会发现自己使用了一些IRL术语。
dqn irl